Journal: News & Comment

Friday, January 20, 2006
# 10:55:00 AM:

Massage therapy blog meets WordPress

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Sunset just around the cornerMy friend Simon James (he co-wrote and performed with me on two songs on my album, and also is a DJ and a kick-ass singer) is a Registered Massage Therapist with a practice in Victoria, B.C.'s capital city.

Massage therapy is a full-on health care profession, accredited by the provincial health ministry, with a remarkably intensive training program (he studied full time in Vernon, B.C. for more than two years). Both Simon and my cousin's boyfriend T.J., who is now taking a similar program in Vancouver, report that the academic and practical load is very difficult. So don't think of your massage therapist as just a massese, okay?

Simon just started his own blog at, where he'll be talking about his work, putting up photos of his office and some of the procedures he performs, and so on. I helped him put the site up, and included in that was my first crack at installing the WordPress blog software—which, I discovered, is quite elegant.

What's also nice for me and for Simon, as well as for my work at Navarik—where we're moving part of our coming public website update to WordPress from an old version of Movable Type—is that I'm on a "Getting Started With Blogging" panel with WordPress's main developer, Matt Mullenweg, early next month at Northern Voice. That can't hurt.


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