Journal: News & Comment

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
# 1:17:00 AM:

New stuff at Lip Gloss and Laptops

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L and L hostsIf you head over to my wife and her friend KA's Lip Gloss and Laptops podcast blog, you'll notice some new things:

  1. It's Wednesday, so Episode 4 ("Cheeks!") is out, featuring stuff about blush and other cheeky stuff, info about spray-on tans and "junk in the trunk," and so on.
  2. As usual when a new episode comes out, there is a new promo for the next episode, coming March 29, 2006. And the promo is a song, with a nice bompy beat and lots of hand clapping.
  3. Most significantly, at the top of the pages and in the sidebar, you can see that Lip Gloss and Laptops has just joined the foursevens podcast network, which is organized by Tod Maffin.

So my wife and her co-host have joined a group of other cool podcasters, and may attract some sponsorship and such stuff if things go well.

If you listen to podcasts (or even if you don't), I encourage you to fill out the short two-page foursevens podcast survey and you'll be entered to win an iPod nano. No purchase necessary, skill-testing question required, yadda yadda etc.


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