Journal: News & Comment

Friday, February 23, 2007
# 1:32:00 PM:

Tough morning

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Cancer Treatment: Day 23 at Flickr.comYesterday I felt really good, and by the evening I could imagine myself going out somewhere. I slept well through the night, with minimal pain. Around 7:30 a.m. I woke up with a headache and took some of my painkillers, then fell back to sleep.

But around 10, I woke again with the telltale visual artifacts I recognize from diabetic low blood sugar, plus the headache, as well as nausea. I drank some apple juice and Coke, and went to the bathroom where I shivered and sat for a few minutes, drank more sips of Coke, and brought myself back to normal. As that happened I went through a very odd seeping cold sensation I hadn't experienced before. Pretty scary.

Others who've had general anaesthesia have told me of feeling weepy and tired three or four days later. My wife also tells me that some anaesthetic agents may be stored in fat, so it makes sense that my body could be purging out those drugs and I was feeling it this morning.

Whatever the cause, after a couple of hours more sleep, I'm feeling a lot better, but still very tired. It's slow going, and I won't make it to any of the Northern Voice events today or tomorrow, that's for sure.


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