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Penmachine Podcast

Free MP3 instrumental tunes, the occasional vocal song, and spoken-word podcast stuff from Derek K. Miller in Vancouver, Canada from 2006-2009. All Creative Commons licensed unless otherwise indicated. Tracks from 2004-2005 are at the archive page.

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Name: Derek K. Miller
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Writer, editor, web guy, drummer, and dad in Vancouver, Canada.

14 February 2006

Camp Walk

"Camp Walk" is a 2.5 MP3 file, and a short little tune used by Roland Tanglao as the soundtrack to a brief movie assembled from pictures taken during Moose Camp at Northern Voice 2006. I custom composed and recorded “Camp Walk” for the occasion. It is a hard-rockin', vaguely White Stripes-y instrumental that's a minute and a half long. Licensed for you to share and reuse, as long as you give me credit.

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