08 January 2008


A year of sometimes salty language

Today's the one year anniversary of the day I first heard my cancer diagnosis. Back then I thought that, even though it was cancer, it was likely early stage and relatively easy to treat.

That was wrong, as I discovered quickly. While today marks one year since my diagnosis, I started counting my treatment last January 31, which means I'm at something like Day 341 now, and far from completing even this round of chemo and other drugs. Whew. I thought I might be away from work for two months—it's now been eleven.

Still, the news has recently been encouraging, since my metastatic lung tumours seem to be responding reasonably to my current chemotherapy. My doctors and my efforts to look at my cancer both optimistically and pragmatically, as well as amazing support from my wife and kids and others in my life, have kept me alive for a year.

Even though I've received gifts of lots of very fine scotch whisky this year, right now I can't drink any alcohol without feeling like crap, so that stuff will have to keep.

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hmmmm - a toast next 1/8/9? i'm sooooo there!!!!
Having listened to the complete 'Lipgloss and Laptops' episodes all within the last month, I have been updated on your diagnosis, the progression of treatments, the ongoing struggle, it's amazing and scary and inspiring. I hope next January you can write on your blog that the cancer is in complete remission and you + your family are en route to a fantastic holiday in Hawaii or some other fabulous place!!!